Of Hoaxes and Conspiracy Theories

I am so sensitive, I cry frequently. I am so soft, I cannot kill a cockroach. But very few things boil my blood like hoaxes and harmful conspiracy theories. It can take days to write all the points to refute one, yet the burden of proof is not on the one spreading such claims, but…

The Importance of Sleep

A while back my brother was mentioning that one of his friends slept for only a few hours a night, and she didn’t understand the importance of sleep or how our body’s cellular clock works. Around that time I was doing some readings on the circadian rhythm, so figured to write a blog about the…

Evolution or Creationism?

A few weeks back a friend asked me if I believed in creationism or evolution. I did not answer because I do not think that a simple "yes or no" answer, without context, really answers something that is as complicated and controversial as this topic. There are many good and intelligent people who do not…