The Lesser of the Two Evil Argument

This is personal and might be emotional. It’s about Trump’s travel ban. Growing up I read how conservatives fall in line, while liberals want to fall in love. No one is good enough for them. Or how liberals eat their own because no one can stand up to their self-righteous morals. We want new faces.…

Voting in Kentucky

Access to voting is a dear topic to me and I donate money towards expanding voting. But lazy outrage is one of my huge pet peeves. Because of the pandemic, 60 days before today's primary, Kentucky announced that all registered voters can request mail-in-ballots. Nearly 900,000 such ballots were sent out. And because of the…

Retraining Police

We expect police to do too much and without enough training. In Georgia, to be an officer requires a high school diploma and 11 weeks of training. In Germany, police training is 2.5 to 4 years. We can screen better in applications. We can train and teach better, including ethics, psychology and sociology. In Germany,…

Cambridge Analytica and the Hacking of Free Will

Stephen Hawking had written in his book The Grand Design that if you give him enough time and enough computer speed (both physically impossible), he can predict all of human behavior based on our molecular information. I think we have some free will, and many things that will happen defend on chance which cannot be…

Guns, Regulations, & Mental Health

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." A single sentence, yet whose interpretation has been hotly debated. This essay is not going to discuss whether the two parts of the Second Amendment - Militia and…