Hopelessness to Hopefulness

After the Peshawar attack last week, I was feeling quite hopeless about the human species. I couldn't imagine ideologies would go so far as to kill children. Intolerance and prejudice can never be separated from violence. And the intolerance prevalent in our own families breed these monsters who would slaughter children. If a girl falls…

Obama Denounces Religious Repression

hey Mr. President, it is easy to criticize Iran, North Korea, and China...because they aren't allies. how about saying something about Saudi Arabia or other 'allied' nations...wouldn't criticizing them for their lack of religious freedom be real moral leadership? or are you going to follow the same policy of the last 70 years...pushing 'freedom values'…

Religious exemption from healthcare

In the United States under the new health care law, large corporations are required to provide health coverage to their full-time employees. Except many businesses with religious owners/founders are seeking exemption from providing contraceptive coverage because it violates their religious beliefs. So if I have my own corporation, would I be able to ask for…

Do not forget about the gift of life

what if more people stopped living for the next world or stopped being obsessed about the next world and actually appreciated this world, actually lived for this world...let's say this world is all there is. if there is a next world, it is an added and amazing bonus. but if we assume this world is…

What is religious freedom?

Religious freedom is the freedom to practice a personal belief. No one should be forced to do anything that goes against their desire/wishes/beliefs. But religious freedom does not mean imposing one's beliefs on others. Neither does it mean practicing something that negatively affects others. For example, if someone is against gay marriage, they should be…

Faith is beautiful

Faith is a beautiful thing. Anyone in the health profession probably knows the effects of a placebo. When we take a placebo, we believe it is a medicine and have faith that it will cure us. And when we pray, what different are we doing than taking a placebo? Whether we pray to a God,…